Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

the writing prosess

The Writing Process
 Prewriting– generate ideas
 Drafting– organize & write it down
 Revising– refine & make it better
 Editing– make it correct
 Publishing– share with others
 Brainstorm
 Journal
 Draw
 Use graphic organizers/ thinking maps
 Research
 Determine focus, audience, & purpose
 Group related ideas
 Write topic sentence
 Use supporting facts & details
 Include an introductory paragraph
 Write a concluding paragraph
 Improve meaning
 Check sequence
 Look for cause & effect
 Use vivid, descriptive words
 Add, delete, rearrange, and clarify
 Get input from others: writing conference
 Check grammar
 Check spelling
 Check punctuation
 Use precise word choice
 Review sentence structure
 Think of a title
 Type or write your final copy
 Add illustrations as needed
 Invite others to read your work

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